EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Dr. Abel Damina Opens Up on His Mandate, Ministry, and Message……

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Dr. Abel Damina Opens Up on His Mandate, Ministry, and Message.

In an exclusive interview, Dr. Abel Damina, a renowned Nigerian pastor and founder of Abel Damina Ministries, shares insights into his life’s work, his ministry, and the core message that drives his mission. Known for his impactful teaching and dedication to spreading the gospel, Dr. Damina offers a deep dive into his spiritual journey, the challenges he faces, and the vision that propels his ministry forward.

**Q: Dr. Damina, thank you for speaking with us today. To start, could you share what you consider to be the central mandate of your ministry?**

**Dr. Abel Damina:** Thank you for having me. The central mandate of my ministry is to bring the message of Christ’s finished work to the forefront of the Christian experience. I am passionate about teaching believers the full extent of what Christ accomplished on the cross and how it affects their everyday lives. The mandate is essentially to make the knowledge of God’s grace and the reality of the believer’s new identity in Christ central to their walk with God. It’s about moving away from legalistic teachings and emphasizing the freedom and abundant life that Jesus promised.

**Q: Your teaching emphasizes the grace of God and the finished work of Christ. How did you arrive at this focus?**

**Dr. Abel Damina:** My focus on grace and the finished work of Christ is deeply rooted in my own journey. Early in my Christian life, I was exposed to a lot of traditional teachings that were more about what we must do to earn God’s favor. However, through studying the Scriptures and a series of personal revelations, I realized that the message of grace is central to understanding our relationship with God. I encountered profound peace and empowerment when I grasped that everything needed for our salvation and growth had already been accomplished by Christ. This shift was transformative for me, and I felt a deep call to share this liberating truth with others.

**Q: Could you describe some of the key challenges you’ve encountered while teaching this message?**

**Dr. Abel Damina:** One of the significant challenges has been overcoming resistance from traditional religious perspectives that emphasize works and ritual over grace. Some individuals and groups are deeply entrenched in the old ways of thinking, and introducing a message that seems to counter long-standing beliefs can be met with skepticism and opposition. Additionally, it can be challenging to communicate complex theological concepts in a way that is both accessible and transformative for people from diverse backgrounds. However, the positive responses and life changes that result from this teaching make it all worthwhile.

**Q: How does your ministry address the needs of the community beyond preaching and teaching?**

**Dr. Abel Damina:** Our ministry is deeply committed to practical outreach and community support. We run various programs aimed at addressing social and economic needs. This includes educational initiatives for underprivileged children, healthcare services, and empowerment programs for women and youth. We believe that demonstrating God’s love through tangible actions is just as important as preaching the message. By providing support and resources, we aim to uplift communities and show that the gospel is not only about spiritual salvation but also about holistic well-being.

**Q: Looking ahead, what are your future goals for your ministry?**

**Dr. Abel Damina:** Our future goals involve expanding our reach to more communities both locally and internationally. We are working on developing additional platforms for teaching and discipleship, including online resources that can reach a global audience. We also plan to strengthen our existing outreach programs and establish new initiatives that address emerging needs within the community. Ultimately, our vision is to see a world where believers are fully awakened to their identity in Christ and empowered to live out their faith in every aspect of their lives.

**Q: Finally, what message would you like to leave with our readers today?**

**Dr. Abel Damina:** I want to encourage everyone to embrace the message of grace and understand that God’s love for you is not based on your performance but on Christ’s finished work. The more we grasp the depth of God’s grace, the more we can live out the abundant life He has promised us. It’s time for believers to live free from condemnation and fully embrace their identity in Christ. This is where true transformation begins.

Dr. Abel Damina’s commitment to his mandate and message reflects a profound dedication to reshaping how faith is understood and lived. His focus on grace and the finished work of Christ continues to inspire and challenge believers to experience and express their faith in a transformative way.

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